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If you are a private person
Yes, anyone considering cosmetic surgery or cosmetic treatment is recommended to complete the Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening.
As human beings, we are sometimes unaware of our mental illnesses or mental challenges.
Science indicates that people seeking cosmetic surgery/treatment are more exposed to mental illness/challenges than the average population.
Completing the questionnaire itself takes 6-8 minutes for most people. Subsequently, time is required to read, reflect and act on the personal recommendations provided to you by the Psych-screen.
There are two use-forms of the Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening tool.
When you complete it by yourself: Only you will receive the results. When you complete the Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening in this App, you will not be asked to enter any information that identifies you (name, personal identity number, etc.).
When a cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist has requested you to complete the Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening: You will then receive a link from the cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist – and you will access and complete the Pre-screen questionnaire by clicking on the link. Subsequently, you and the cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist will receive the results of your completed Pre-Screen. This can then be used as part of the personal & confidential consultation, dialogue and pre-assessment with the cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist. Only you and the cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist you are consulting will receive the results.
For both use-forms, the following applies:
Plast-IQ and this App will not store any personal data about you (personal data = information that can be traced back to you). *)
Plast-IQ will only use your anonymised data for scientific purposes and for continuous improvement of the Pre-screen tool itself (anonymised = not in any way possible to link to you). This is done without any link to you as a person.
*) Except if you decide to leave us your e-mail address for our 6-monthly check-up with you on how you are doing – which will require your email, and only your email address.
No. The Pre-screen provides you with personal recommendations. It is up to you if you wish to follow such recommendations. However, if you follow the recommendations, it is likely that your overall personal well-being and safety will improve.
Your cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist has a professional responsibility to assess your preparedness for surgery/treatment holistically – which includes assessing your mental preparedness.
This Psych screen tool is based & build on best available science, and it has been carefully and thoroughly developed by relevant and experienced doctors, scientists and other specialists – in close collaboration between the psychiatric and the cosmetic surgery discipline.
Nevertheless, an “accurate and complete” assessment of your mental health and preparedness for cosmetic surgery/treatment will often require personal face-2-face consultation with a mental health specialist. It is on this basis, you are recommended to reflect on and follow your personalised results from the Psych-screen.
No. For you as an end-user, it is free to complete the Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening via the link provided here on the Plast-IQ™ internet homepage.
No. The Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening is gender-neutral. It is relevant and useful for anyone considering cosmetic surgery or cosmetic treatment.
No. Quite the contrary, actually. It can be dangerous for you not to complete it, or not to undergo any appropriate psychological pre assessment. See here.
For you personally, completing this Psych-screen will give you insights, guidance and food for reflection. And if a cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist has requested that you complete this Psych-screen, it will also help them to professionally and holistically assess your preparedness for the cosmetic surgery/treatment you are considering.
All of this will only benefit you personally – e.g., in relation to your risk of regrets, and your overall personal safety and wellbeing.
Yes, there is.
Science indicates that people seeking cosmetic surgery/treatment are more exposed to mental illness/challenges than the average population.
Post-surgery depression is common following cosmetic surgery, and available science indicates that people having undergone cosmetic surgery/treatment are more exposed to psychological conditions and challenges than other people. Post-surgery depression varies in severity and duration, and there are likely to be many triggering and underlying reasons.
In scientific studies, regret and addiction have also been linked with cosmetic surgery/treatment.
If you are a cosmetic professional (e.g. surgeon, clinic, cosmetic specialist)
You should primarily do it for the safety of your patients/customers.
Using the Psych-screen will help you professionally in several ways. For example:
- It helps you with “the difficult discussion” and decision-making about mental aspects related to the cosmetic surgery/treatment your potential patient is considering
- It helps you to identify those individuals who are not (immediately) suited/ready for surgery/treatment. As your experience might tell you, these individuals are often those who are dissatisfied with the surgery/treatment results. And they are often those who go on to complain following surgery/treatment
- It contributes to improve your professionalism – in relation to your “holistic” pre-assessment of your patients
- This is expected to only have a positive impact on your professional reputation as a cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist
- It provides a standardised method that you can trust
- It is a time-saver for you – compared to if you should do the mental part of your pre-assessment without The Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening tool and without a standardised approach
- Mental illness – e.g. anxiety, depression and BDD (Body-Dysmorphic-Disorder)
- Predisposition for mental illness
- Impulsiveness
Plast-IQ™ Psychological Pre-Screening tool is designed and developed to detect, assess and address these mental disorders and challenges – specifically in relation to the cosmetic surgery/treatment being considered.
This Psych-screen is developed and designed with special focus on being “easy-to-use” for all users. Specifically for the cosmetic surgeon/clinic/specialist, the administration and time required is limited and optimised:
- Issuing the Psych-screen to the potential patient prior to your first consultation- meeting: 2 minutes required – to create link, and send it via email to your potential patient. This can for example be done simultaneously with any other pre-assessment information required – e.g. related to physical aspects
- Completing the Psych-screen: No time required of you or your clinic. Your potential patient fills in and completes the Psych-screen questionnaire by themselves in the App. You receive the result/recommendations at the same time as your potential patient, prior to your first consultation with the individual. You receive the results and recommendations via the link that you or your clinic have created and send to the individual.
- Reviewing and using the results and recommendations as part of your pre-assessment with your potential patient: Time-requirement at this stage is dependent on the results and recommendations and how you and your potential patient discuss and deal with the results & recommendations. In general, it is expected that the use of this Psych-screen will enable and help you to spend LESS time on mental aspects of the pre-assessment as compared to when you do this without the help of this Psych-screen. The Psych-screen will do most of the work for you!
- Archiving the results: Minimal time required. Results and final report are easy for you to print and/or electronically save/file as part of your existing filing system
No. This is currently not part of the services we offer.
We provide an easy-to-use tool for mental pre-assessment – and as part of this, we provide a “Referral letter”. This “Referral letter” includes guidance for the mental health specialist in those cases where your potential patient is recommended to consult a mental health specialist prior to proceeding with the cosmetic surgery/treatment being considered. It is up to the individual (your potential patient) to find and consult the mental health specialist when that is recommended.